Oreck Vacuum

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Ring

Symbolic words in this poem of rhyming couplets; the giving of an engagement ring.

To you, beloved, this simple ring I tender:
No costly ware - it boasts no ornate splendour:
But proffered fondly in the hope it be,
Ever so dear to thee.

If anything inanimate could hold a charm,
And shield its owner from all grief and harm:
On this, Affection would that power bestow - 
In my heart I know!

Each blue-bright star out of its depth endow,
Health, beauty, love, with serenity light your brow,
And waken in your heart perennial song,
And of wondrous joys in throng.

Idle 'twould be, and folly even so,
To plead no care nor pang your heart to know:
But pray this ring, of love's property possessed,
Aid you to triumph over all unrest:

Aright to guide when doubt and trouble assail;
Friendly to golw though other radiance fail:
Ability, Strength, and Understanding give,
So as ever you adjudge: "It is sweet to live!"

Metal and stone void of all sense may be;
Mindless, and barren of magical ministry.
Then, own it, dear. Touchstone of what is true -
Earnest regard and well-wish, dear, for you!

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